구현 & DFS & BFS 문제이다. 기업 코딩 테스트에서 나올 것 같은 문제인데 참 재밌게 푼 것 같다.
1. 터트릴 뿌요가 있는지 확인하는 함수(같은 색깔의 뿌요가 4개 이상 뭉쳐 있는지 확인)
2. 뿌요를 터트려주는 함수('RGBPY' -> '0')
3. 상태를 업데이트해주는 함수(터진 뿌요가 있을 시 그 위치보다 위에 있는 뿌요들을 밑으로 내림)
위 3개의 함수를 구현해서 해결했다.
DFS 풀이
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
def dfs_check(y, x, color, cnt):
b[y][x] = '0'
for dy, dx in d:
Y, X = y+dy, x+dx
if (0 <= Y < 12) and (0 <= X < 6) and b[Y][X] == color:
cnt = dfs_check(Y, X, color, cnt+1)
return cnt
def dfs(y, x, color):
a[y][x] = '0'
for dy, dx in d:
Y, X = y+dy, x+dx
if (0 <= Y < 12) and (0 <= X < 6) and a[Y][X] == color:
dfs(Y, X, color)
def update():
for j in range(6):
for i in range(12):
if a[i][j] == '0':
up = a[0][j]
for k in range(i):
down = a[k+1][j]
a[k+1][j] = up
up = down
a[0][j] = '.'
graph = [list(input()) for _ in range(12)]
a = deepcopy(graph)
d = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
combo = 0
while 1:
b, ok = deepcopy(a), 0
for i in range(12):
for j in range(6):
if a[i][j] in 'RGBPY':
if dfs_check(i, j, a[i][j], 1) >= 4:
dfs(i, j, a[i][j])
ok = 1
if ok == 0:
combo += 1
BFS 풀이
from collections import deque
from copy import deepcopy
def bfs_check(y, x, color):
queue = deque()
queue.append((y, x))
b[y][x] = '0'
cnt = 1
while queue:
y, x = queue.popleft()
for dy, dx in d:
Y, X = y+dy, x+dx
if (0 <= Y < 12) and (0 <= X < 6) and b[Y][X] == color:
b[Y][X] = '0'
queue.append((Y, X))
cnt += 1
return cnt
def bfs(y, x, color):
queue = deque()
queue.append((y, x))
a[y][x] = '0'
while queue:
y, x = queue.popleft()
for dy, dx in d:
Y, X = y+dy, x+dx
if (0 <= Y < 12) and (0 <= X < 6) and a[Y][X] == color:
queue.append((Y, X))
a[Y][X] = '0'
def update():
for j in range(6):
for i in range(12):
if a[i][j] == '0':
up = a[0][j]
for k in range(i):
down = a[k+1][j]
a[k+1][j] = up
up = down
a[0][j] = '.'
graph = [list(input()) for _ in range(12)]
a = deepcopy(graph)
d = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
combo = 0
while 1:
b, ok = deepcopy(a), 0
for i in range(12):
for j in range(6):
if a[i][j] in 'RGBPY':
if bfs_check(i, j, a[i][j]) >= 4:
bfs(i, j, a[i][j])
ok = 1
if ok == 0:
combo += 1